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Second/ last attachment through Minash
Sunday, December 9, 2012 @ 5:47 PM

Today is almost the last week of my attachment at Ministry of Social and Family Development(MSF). Before the 1st of Nov, it was still called Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports (MCYS).

I remember when I first knew that I was going to be posted to MCYS's child protection unit, I was excited and really looked forward to it. Of cuz, my worries was that of the clothes I had to buy since I don't really wear formal clothes at ECSS. So I went around shopping a few days before and for 2 jackets, 2 pants and a top. Obviously not enough, I went on gmarket for more. And I think I really overspent and somehow got addicted to gmarket for a while.

It was an exciting first day as not knowing what to expect, Nasim and I went super early. She even started a chat group w me and isma as we were all interns at MCYS! It's like a support group on it's own! Super funny!

First day of work, I meet Nasim to go together and we were all super early as we were wary of strict ministry policies for lateness. Ended up only my sup came in quite early. A pretty lady who was also a graduate from Monash. Isma's sup was also from Monash. Next came Nasim's sup who was totally late. A very funny chubby Malay young man previously from NUS.

First few weeks I had nothing much to do. Isma started on following her sup on exciting MRD cases.. And Nasim too.. Our worst and one of the funniest experience during the first few weeks was when we were asked to do fetching. We were supposed to go to the hospital to get worn school uniform from a girl, then bring the uniform to his father and take washed uniform to the girl at the hospital so that she can go for exams the next day. Honestly, we complained in the cab as we thought there are so many alternatives so why waste good resources doing this? The Lamentations went on and on and it's like we started to boast on our experiences. Then came the funny part:

We went to the father after we took the clothes from the hospital. In the lift we were still complaining on how we could have done it better.. Then we went to knock on the door. Nasim was asking me to double check unit number. I said is correct. But the name of girl was Malay while the house had Indian idols. But we thought maybe Malay hindus? So we knocked and said :MCYS! As If we were the police. Hahah. A lady opened the door an we asked for the clothes. She looked totally perplexed. And shocked. She insisted she dunno what is going on. We double check the unit. Correct unit number. Wrong floor. Wahahah

Seriously, so much for lamenting. God has His humorous way to tell us we r not better even w experience. Hahah.

During these 3 months, I followed five different workers at different times for cases.. Some for only a day.. But I really learnt a lot from them. The word "objectivity" now holds a very different meaning for me. From MRD to neglect to physical abuse to psychological and emotional abuse etc.. From feeling my sup is super expressionless to now feeling that there is so much more to her experience... Forever dealing w my constant struggles of personal values vs professional ethics... Especially on parentified children. From thinking that I escaped the reports until I had to do one suddenly last week and only knowing 5 mins before that I had to do the presentation. It was a really fun learning journey and I appreciate my sup for really letting me follow around and wanting me to learn.

This is nearly my last week here. I am going to miss the place, the people, the beef bee hoon, chicken pau and the bubor Babi! I actually wish I can continue here but I know at least for now, it is not part of God's plan for me. Maybe next time.

Child protection officers, continue the good work that you have begun! :)

Fundraising, a hair-raising experience
Friday, March 16, 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Been such a long time since I wrote here... or even visited my own blog, for that matter. haha. Been a really challenging year. I started out deciding to take up fundraising for my organisation as firstly we are in serious lack of fundings and secondly because I thought it would spell an easier life for me as my final year in Monash would be super stressful. Who knows that I would be even busier than before? Since the start of the year, I have already gone through 2 major fevers due to lack of rest. Each night, my eyes just cannot close no matter how tired I am. Mind is only thinking of what to do for next fundraising. Totally horrible. Been a pretty lonely journey for I think no one really think I am doing much. Oh well, the irony of life.

As I am typing now, I am actually at a pushcart in Harbourfront selling stuff for our fundraising. This morning I just came from Choa Chu Kang where the students helped to give out flyers for newspaper collection. Brought my mac everyday to the pushcart so that I can actually do my assignments in between the rush hours. The happier things that happened here is of cuz that I got to know the year 2s from Tritouch (my volunteers) a little bit more, especially when got to know of one unique family background. I think I just enjoy listening. :)

Also, I got to see a long time no see student from back in EVGS. Pretty happy to see her. Like what she said in her blog (which is why i decided to do a blog entry too), we seem to only meet once a year but I am seriously happy to see her each time. :)

Last 2 days to go.. pray for good sales. :) Next week will be newspaper collection and 2 weeks after the flea market I will go!

I really should go back to my really tough assignments now.

Does anybody hear her?
Thursday, September 29, 2011 @ 3:34 AM

I remember this song as at that point of time, a friend and I felt it appropriate for another person. Today, I think it simply echos in my ear....

Does Anybody Hear Her lyrics

Songwriters: Hall, John Mark;

She is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
She is trying but the canyon's ever widening
In the depths of her cold heart
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find
She's another two years older
And she's three more steps behind

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today?
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

If judgment looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we've never even met her

I want to be me
@ 3:20 AM

Sometimes I wish I can don't care
Sometimes I wish I can turn a blind eye
Sometimes I wish I can shut my ears
Sometimes I wish my heart deprives itself of emotions
Sometimes I wish I can just do what I love to do and not what others love me to do
Sometimes i wish I have friends who understand and not chide me when I am already down

I might not need to run my own life but can I not leave it in all your hands
I might seem not to mind but can anyone ask me how I feel
I might look like superman in all your eyes but I am just me

I want to be me, a mere reflector, not a life saver.
I need to get away and come back when all expectations are gone.
I want to turn back the time.

Will this ever be possible?

Back from my 70 days
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 @ 7:43 PM

I am back and adjusting from internship. It is not an easy time to be trying to readjust back to a new environment, to a new term in school and to another new role in church. To quote my supervisor, it is not that I am not given choice but that I am given limited choice.

All these roles speak of humanistic work and totally requires my whole heart, which is not enough to share out anymore. I'm getting tired from simply trying to adjust. Tired from trying to protect other people's feelings yet needing to get things done. Tired of not having time to do what I want to do, even in terms of my choice of ministry. Tired of others taking me as a threat when I am not even a willing leader as well.

Maybe it is time for a change. I think 2 months is more than enough. Please come back soon to take over.

70 days of my life
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Since 6th June 2011, I have been on attachment, experiencing a whole new life at a certain nursing in Singapore.

This poem speaks of my experience there over the past 3 months. :) With much love.

From awkwardness to friendship found
From knitted brows to awesome smiles
I found a place of hope and love
A people who came to give and serve

Never expected to learn this much
Never predicted this would change my heart
I thought I met a lioness
Yet now I see her gentleness
she speaks to her sheep with eyes that shine
For she knows the pain behind those lines

A gentle smile,
A loving touch
This mother of two sure melts my heart
Though I was cautious at the start
Soon enough I felt the spark
For none I see as lovely as this
The permanent smile that represents His

This feisty lady knows no bound
Step on her toes and you'll be down
Her motivation can lead you on,
so 3 days a week, give her corn
Though she's young she knows a lot
and one thing I hope, she'll know the Lord

A funny lady who makes weird sounds
I admire her guts to get out of town
She pursues her dreams by biting through
And never did let the obstacle rule
My singing partner
My hitting friend
The smiles we shared will never end

Looking back at these 70 days
My time was mostly happy and gay
I know the treasures I found in here
Will follow me closely through the years
I counted my loss but only found gains
And I pray our paths will meet again

That was a summary of what I feel towards my colleagues. haha. As for the residents, my heart really overwhelms at the thought that I am not able to see them again and also not be able to perhaps even remember how they look like after some time. I am already missing them, especially when they really reminded me of my grandma, being at around the same age. I think I have never learnt to really appreciate the elderly before and now, I am. Behind every one of them holds so much memories and each of these memories are so beautiful. Some of them might not seem like they have the best character but looking into their memories, I know we will see a totally different side of who they were and what made them who they are.

Appreciate the elderly in your home today, for you cannot be sure if they will still be there tomorrow.

Wo Yuan Yi
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 @ 1:00 AM

Here is a link to a new song I have written.:)


I know the guitar and voice sounds horrible and maybe you dun understand what was sung but because I am unable to type chinese words on my mac...hahha

The Prodigal Daughter who once was lost but now am found, was blind but now lives to see this world through the eyes of the Father.
Interest: Photography
Character: Introvert by nature, extrovert by circumstances
Loves: Coca-Cola Collectibles, Ultraman, DSLRs, Remote-Controlled Planes, Bags, Watches, Sneakers, Jackets, most things leather, Quality time with close friends, Music and how can I forget, JESUS. :)

Shout it Out LOUD

Great Friends from EC
  • Ah Mei aka Jace
  • Teleparty
  • Biggest Smelly
  • Plus One
  • Tong Xiang
  • Water Phoenix
  • Zzzz Ting
  • Huiling

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